About Us

Alliance for Cohesion and Racial Equality (Acre) was established in 2012 to promote equality, community empowerment and community cohesion in Greater Reading.
Acre brought together the expertise of Reading Council for Racial Equality (RCRE circa 1968) and Sakoma (Togetherness) BME Forum (2008) into a new organisation. It built on the rich legacy of both organisations, in terms of their know-how, local knowledge, connections and the trust of Black, Asian and Minoritised Ethnic (BAME) communities in Reading over 50 years.
The new organisation was founded with a commitment to support the work of both organisations and to further develop its remit regarding equality, community empowerment and community cohesion. Carrying on with the legacy objectives of its predecessors, Acre adopted the following:
Objectives: (i) To work towards the elimination of racial discrimination; and (ii) To promote equality of opportunity, and good relations between people of different racial groups, and diverse communities in the Greater Reading area.
- Vision: Reading continues to develop as a society that treats its citizens with equality and promotes integrated communities;
- Mission: To promote equal opportunity for all, and community cohesion by offering support and guidance to individuals and organisations;
- Values: Equality; Diversity; Inclusion; Fairness; Empowerment; and Participation.
Acre delivers its work through engagement, empowerment, and integration of the diverse communities, including minoritised ethnic, marginalised, and communities associated by faith, cultural heritage, and particular interests.
Equality: Acre works with a range of organisations representing the nine protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010. To this end, Acre has developed the pan-Equalities Alliance (EA), a participatory membership of equality practitioners and support organisations in Reading.
- The role of the EA is to promote awareness of equality practices; and a Hate Crime Forum the monitors hate crime reported to the police, and works with services to advice and support individuals and communities.
Community Engagement: Acre promotes community cohesion through integration, engagement, and empowerment by bringing together some 74 diverse communities. We facilitate public education by hosting community meetings on topical issues, help promote and celebrate the different cultures, enable them to make positive contributions to the Reading Society.
Community Empowerment: Acre supports minority/marginalised communities, families and individuals experiencing difficulty with navigating structures and statutory provision. We
- Assess needs and develop strategies and projects to meet them.
- Design and deliver culturally tailored training programmes to aid the development of individuals and their supporting organisations.
- Facilitate consultation of community organisations and individuals by public sector partners or agencies, enabling people to have a say on decision-making that may affect communities.
Location: You can find Acre just inside the Old Battle Hospital Gates on the Oxford Road

Acre is a welcoming space
Where everyone has a place
Regardless of your race
We are happy to see your face
Men women children and refugees gather
Our job here is to remind you that you matter
We are the wellness hub of occyroad
We are here to help lessen life’s load
So welcome one and all
I hope when you leave us you will stand tall
Our story here has just begun to unfold
Long may it continue to be told
By: Errol Masters