What is a community health champion?
Community Health Champions are residents of Reading who assists their community or the public in ensuring that individuals are aware of, knowledgeable about, and up to speed on the information, services and activities that are important to their health and well-being whilst receiving feedback from contacts on areas health improvements can be made.
Who can be a community health Champion?
It is a voluntary role so anyone who lives in the borough can become a Community Health Champion. You could be a young adult, older resident, parent, non -worker, worker, etc. If you have a desire to help improve your community then this is a great opportunity for you!
Some benefits to becoming a Community Health Champion:
- It’s a rewarding opportunity where you get to empower your community with evidence-based health information on how to improve their overall health and well-being.
- Being part of the Community Health Champions program means you get to inform, connect and strengthen communities to enhance decision-making by signposting members of the public to the appropriate services where they can get their health needs met.
- As a Community Health Champion , you can be linked in with wonderful health /wellbeing events and activities happening within your local community.
- Having a network of other fellow community health champions and organisations to connect with by sharing insights, experiences and learnings.
- Training, certifications and ongoing support is provided plus this could be a great boost towards your career goals.