Service in the Community

Acre promotes community cohesion through integration, engagement, and empowerment with the aim of bringing together different people and backgrounds to celebrate the different cultures, and to enable same to make positive contributions to the Reading Society. We create opportunities for people to meet and learn about each other’s communities;
- coordinate activities that bring together a network of 74 voluntary and community organisations to address issues of concern;
- create opportunities for community organisations to contribute to the development of community life in Reading;
- facilitate public education by hosting community meetings on topical issues.
Acre has particular expertise and experience of supporting BAME community members who have experienced discrimination, BAME families with disabled children and survivors of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Our work includes supporting minority/marginalised communities, families and individuals experiencing difficulty with navigating structures and statutory provision. We assess need then develop strategies on how to meet these needs.
Support consultation of community organisations and individuals by public sector partners or agencies and enable people to have a say on decision-making that may affect communities. Design and deliver projects which support unmet needs of communities of interest.
The following are some of the support service groups which ACRE work with directly in Reading;
- The Alafia Family Support Service
- The Equalities Alliance
- Rose Centre
- We, Men! ACRE’ Men’s Support Group
- Alliance for Cohesion and Racial Equality is the umbrella in Reading for Racial Equality
- Alliance for Cohesion and Racial Equality is geared toward Communities Empowerment
- Alliance for Cohesion and Racial Equality partners with other rights organisations to deliver best services
- Alliance for Cohesion and Racial Equality is one of the oldest minority organisations in the UK
With the advent of the coronavirus, Acre, like many equality organisations across the country, our community support service work of engaging with people face to face on a daily basis to render assistance has been greatly hampered. Below is the list of some of our activities.